Thomas Sandholm


Refereed Conference or Workshop

[27] Anupriya Ankolekar and Thomas Sandholm, Foxtrot: A sountrack for where you are, IwS'11: Proceedings of the MobileHCI2011 Workshop Interacting with Sounds, 2011. [bib] [pdf] [web]
[26] Thomas Sandholm and Hang Ung, Turn-by-Turn Directions Go Social, IwS'11: Proceedings of the MobileHCI2011 Workshop Interacting with Sounds, 2011. [bib] [pdf] [web]
[25] Thomas Sandholm and Hang Ung, Real-time Location-aware Collaborative Filtering of Web Content, CaRR'11: Proceedings of the IUI2011 Workshop on Context-awareness in Retrieval and Recommendation, 2011. [bib] [pdf] [web]
[24] Thomas Sandholm and Kevin Lai, Dynamic Proportional Share Scheduling in Hadoop, LNCS: Proceedings of the 15th Workshop on Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing, Springer, 2010. [bib] [pdf] [web]
[23] Thomas Sandholm, Hang Ung, Christina Aperjis and Bernardo Huberman, Global Budgets for Local Recommendations, RecSys '10: Proceedings of the 4th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, 2010. [bib] [pdf] [web]
[22] Alexander Lenk, Jens Nimis, Thomas Sandholm and Stefan Tai, An Open Framework to Support the Development of Commercial Cloud Offerings based on Pre-Existing Applications, Proceedings of the International Conference on Cloud Computing and Virtualization (CCV 2010), GSTF, 2010. [bib] [web]
[21] Thomas Sandholm and Kevin Lai, MapReduce Optimization Using Dynamic Regulated Prioritization, SIGMETRICS/Performance '09: Proceedings of the 2009 Joint International Conference on Measurement & Modeling of Computer Systems, 2009. [bib] [pdf] [web]
[20] Michael Brzozowski, Thomas Sandholm and Tad Hogg, Effects of Feedback and Peer Pressure on Contributions to Enterprise Social Media, GROUP '09: Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Supporting Group Work, 2009. [bib] [pdf] [web]
[19] Alexander Lenk, Thomas Sandholm, Markus Klems, Jens Nimis and Stefan Tai, What's Inside the Cloud? An Architectural Map of the Cloud Landscape, ICSE '09: Proceedings of the Workshop on Software Engineering Challenges in Cloud Computing, 2009. [bib] [pdf] [web]
[18] Thomas Sandholm, Kevin Lai and Scott Clearwater, Admission Control in a Computational Market, CCGrid '08: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, 2008. [bib] [pdf] [web]
[17] Thomas Sandholm and Kevin Lai, Prediction-Based Enforcement of Performance Contracts, GECON '07: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Grid Economics and Business Models, 2007. [bib] [pdf] [web]
[16] Thomas Sandholm and Kevin Lai, A Statistical Approach to Risk Mitigation in Computational Markets, HPDC '07: Proceedings of the 16th ACM International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing, 2007. [bib] [pdf] [web]
[15] Thomas Sandholm, Kevin Lai, Jorge Andrade and Jacob Odeberg, Market-Based Resource Allocation using Price Prediction in a High Performance Computing Grid for Scientific Applications, HPDC '06: Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing, 2006. [bib] [pdf] [web]
[14] Ludwig Seitz, Erik Rissanen, Thomas Sandholm, Babak Sadighi Firozabadi and Olle Mulmo, Policy Administration Control and Delegation using XACML and Delegent, GRID '05: Proceedings of the 6th IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Grid Computing, 2005. [bib] [pdf] [web]
[13] Thomas Sandholm, Peter Gardfjell, Erik Elmroth, Lennart Johnsson and Olle Mulmo, An OGSA-based Accounting System for Allocation Enforcement Across HPC centers, ICSOC '04: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Service Oriented Computing, ACM Press, 2004. [bib] [pdf] [web]
[12] Thomas Sandholm, Stefan Tai, Dirk Slama and Eamon Walshe, Design of Object Caching in a CORBA OTM System, CAiSE '99: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, Springer-Verlag, 1999. [bib] [pdf] [web]

Refereed Journal

[11] Peter Gardfjell, Erik Elmroth, Lennart Johnsson, Olle Mulmo and Thomas Sandholm, Scalable Grid-wide Capacity Allocation with the SweGrid Accounting System (SGAS), Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2007. [bib] [pdf] [web]
[10] Thomas Sandholm, Peter Gardfjell, Erik Elmroth, Lennart Johnsson and Olle Mulmo, A Service-Oriented Approach to Enforce Grid Resource Allocations, International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, World Scientific Publishing Company, 2006. [bib] [pdf] [web]
[9] Erik Elmroth, Peter Gardfjell, Olle Mulmo and Thomas Sandholm, An OGSA-Based Bank Service for Grid Accounting Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Applied Parallel Computing. State-of-the-art in Scientific Computing, Springer Verlag, 2004. [bib] [pdf]

Invited Conference

[8] Thomas Sandholm and Kevin Lai, Evaluating Demand Prediction Techniques for Computational Markets, GECON '06: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Grid Economics and Business Models, 2006. [bib] [pdf] [web]


[7] Thomas Sandholm, Statistical methods for computational markets, Doctoral Thesis ISRN SU-KTH/DSV/R--08/6--SE, Royal Institute of Technology, 2008. [bib] [pdf] [web]
[6] Thomas Sandholm, Autoregressive Time Series Forecasting of Computational Demand, arXiv, Technical Report 0711.2062v1 [cs.DC], 2007. [bib] [pdf] [web]
[5] Thomas Sandholm, Managing Service Levels in Grid Computing Systems, Licentitate Thesis ISRN KTH/CSC/A--07/06--SE, Royal Institute of Technology, 2007. [bib] [pdf] [web]
[4] Thomas Sandholm, The Philosophy of the Grid: Ontology Theory - From Aristotle to Self-Managed IT Resources, Royal Institute of Technology, Technical Report TRITA-NA-0532, 2005. [bib] [pdf]
[3] Thomas Sandholm, Service Level Agreement Requirements of an Accounting-Driven Computational Grid, Royal Institute of Technology, Technical Report TRITA-NA-0533, 2005. [bib] [pdf]
[2] Steven Tuecke, Karl Czajkowksi, Ian Foster, Jeff Frey, Steve Graham, Carl Kesselman, Tom Maguire, Thomas Sandholm, David Snelling and Peter Vanderbilt, Open Grid Services Infrastructure (OGSI) Version 1.0, Global Grid Forum, Technical Report GFD-R.015, 2003. [bib] [pdf]
[1] Thomas Sandholm, Object Caching in a Transactional Object-Relational CORBA Environment, Stockholm University, Technical Report Master's Thesis, 1998. [bib] [pdf]

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