Thomas Sandholm


Thomas Sandholm holds a BSc, MSc and PhD in Computer and Systems Sciences from Stockholm University and the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden, with parts of the studies conducted at Freie University in Berlin, Germany and Stanford University in the US. He started his career as an Object Technology Consultant at IONA Technologies PLC, Dublin, Ireland and San Mateo, USA. In this position he provided consulting services, including on-site training, support, and development in the general area of Enterprise systems integration. More specifically, he focused on CORBA related database technologies, such as distributed transaction management, high availability and scalability architectures. Customers included Deutsche Bank, London, UK; NTT, Tokyo, Japan; Boeing CAG, Long Beach, CA; and Portal Software, Cupertino, CA.

He then worked as a Senior Scientific Programmer at Argonne National Laboratories Distributed Computing Lab where he was the lead developer of Globus Toolkit v3, a Grid Middleware software stack for developers of scientific applications.

During his PhD studies he focused on Grid accounting, market-based resource allocation and demand prediction, and he was active in a number of European Grid research projects, including EGEE (EU), NextGrid (EU) and SweGrid.

In 2005 he joined HP Labs and the Social Computing group, where he currently works. His focus is on crowdsourcing, recommendations and incentive engineering in mobile context-aware applications. At HPL he has contributed to Tycoon, an on-demand spot market for virtualized compute resources, and he invented and developed the HP Gloe geotagging service (

Most recently he was the general chair and co-creator of the MobileHCI Interacting With Sounds workshop.