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What's the problem?

  • How can I be sure that other people will treat my personal and sensitive information with the same care that I do?
  • How can I use my personal information to achieve certain tasks, e.g. join communities, negotiate prices or privileges, without having to disclose that personal information
  • How can I outsource my infrastructure allowing others to manage and administer my systems, but ensure they have no access to company data. How can I more easily provide separation of concerns.
  • B2B interactions are becoming more virtual/electronic these days; how do you engender trust in such as world

What are we doing?

For more information contact:
Richard Brown, Department Manager richard.brown@hp.com

Solutions and Services

» Technology for Services
» Trust, Security and Privacy
» Legal and Regulatory
» Manageability
» Trusted Platforms
» Identity Management
» Boundary Management
» Threat Management
  Trust Management
» Digital Proofing
» Innovation for Emerging Economies
» New Competitive Spaces
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