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Digital Proofing - Witnessing Secure Communication

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The project offers irrefutable evidence for electronic communication, hence protects users from reneging parties of online transactions.

Problem addressed

Existing security services on the Internet (e.g., the Secure Socket Layer or SSL protocol) can protect communication from eavesdropping, tampering and forgery by external parties. However, they do not protect clients of online transactions from reneging servers. For example, suppose that a user purchases an item at a merchant's web site, and the merchant claims that it will deliver the item in three days. How can the user later prove that she saw a web page from the merchant's site promising that delivery?

Therefore, a scheme is needed to provide irrefutable evidence of electronic communication. Such a scheme needs to have convincing argument that the client had not forged the evidence. It needs to be easily deployable in the web, a very large and hard-to-change system. Therefore, the scheme should not require any change on existing servers, who have little incentive to provide the evidence. The scheme should also maintain privacy in existing secure communication.

Our Contribution

We have designed a scheme that allows a client to prove its Communication with the server. It ensures that clients cannot fabricate false evidence, so that the generated proofs are trustworthy. It works generally for any communication on top of SSL. It follows our principle of easy deployment in that no change is required in any of the server's contents or protocols. The scheme respects privacy of the client, in that the content of the communication is never revealed to parties other than the client and the server.

Diagram of Semi-Trusted Witness for Secure Communication
Click to view larger image of this chart.

Our scheme uses a semi-trusted witness to store a small amount of information for each SSL message. The client can prove that a communication took place by presenting a log of the communication together with the witness data that is signed by the witness for authenticity.

We have implemented a prototype and tested it in a variety of experiments.

For more information contact: Minwen Ji

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