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What's the Problem?

More and more companies are recognizing how vulnerable their network infrastructures are to viruses, worms etc. These attacks can have devastating consequences, e.g. recent viruses such as Slammer, Blaster, SoBig are costing the industry billions of dollars. In addition to the financial loss due to these attacks, one has to also consider hours of lost productivity, the disruption to online services and business transactions and also the bad PR that can occur when a company network is infected, leading to loss of trust and confidence. Traditional approaches to these problems include basic threat analyses of networks and systems, plus installation of firewalls, intrusion detection systems and anti-virus software. However, the problem is increasing and we feel that more innovative approaches are necessary.

Related work:

For more information contact:
Richard Brown, Department Manager richard.brown@hp.com

Solutions and Services

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» Trust, Security and Privacy
» Legal and Regulatory
» Manageability
» Trusted Platforms
» Identity Management
» Boundary Management
  Threat Management
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» Digital Proofing
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