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What's the problem?
Defining provably enforceable policies on the use of data and processes, so that I can...

  • ... be sure the platform I am using or interacting with will behave as I expect for my intended purpose
  • ... use the same platform for personal and business purposes with reliable separation of concerns and policy enforcement
  • ... outsource the running/management of critical business processes whilst retaining the assurance that my private data can not be accessed mistakenly or maliciously

What are we doing?

For more information contact:
Boris Balacheff, Technical Contributor boris.balacheff@hp.com

Solutions and Services

» Technology for Services
» Trust, Security and Privacy
» Legal and Regulatory
» Manageability
  Trusted Platforms
» Identity Management
» Boundary Management
» Threat Management
» Trust Management
» Digital Proofing
» Innovation for Emerging Economies
» New Competitive Spaces
A trusted platform module
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