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What's the problem?
Consider the case of two people negotiating in the sale of some item. The seller has a minimum price for which they are willing to sell the item. The buyer has a maximum price they are willing to pay. Can they jointly determine whether the buyer's maximum is greater than the seller's minimum price to see if there is room for negotiation without revealing their true values?

More generally, two or more parties have values they want to keep private, but wish to compute some joint function with other parties. This should be done in such a way, that only the output of the function is learned by the parties, no other information is leaked.

Much work has been done on these types of problems. However, the solutions proposed are often of a theoretical nature and cannot be implemented in practice.

What are we doing?

  • We are seeking practical solutions to some of the open problems in this area related to database queries and data mining.
  • See publications on this topic

For more information contact:
Joe Pato, Lab Scientist joe.pato@hp.com

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