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Selected Publications
- The Client Utility Demo
isn't a publication, but it shows a vision of the
Global Computer that we put together in May, 1998. Be
patient, we don't have a streaming server, so the 45 minute
video takes several minutes to get started. (You'll need a
free copy of RealPlayer.)
- Speeding Up N-body Calculations on
Machines Lacking a Hardware Square Root, Scientific
Programming, 1, #2, pp. 133--141,
Winter (1992)
Data Merging for Shared Memory Multiprocessors, with
V. Sarkar, Hawaii International Conference on System Science
26, Honolulu, Hawaii January (1993)
- Hardware Support for Data
Merging, with R. Gupta, International Workshop on Support
for Large Scale Shared Memory Multiprocessors at the
International Parallel Processing Symposium, Cancun, Mexico,
April, (1994)
- Some Experiences with Network
Linda, International J. High Speed Computing,
6, #1, pp. 55--80, (1994)
- Bit Reversals on Uniprocessors,
SIAM Review, vol. 38, #1, 1--26, March (1996)
- High Precision
Division and Square
Root, with P. Markstein, ACM Trans. Math.
Software, vol. 23, #4, 561--589, December (1997)
- Recent Advances in the
Spherical Harmonics Method, International
Journal of Engineering Science, vol. 36, #12-14,
pp. 1551--1579, September-November (1998)
- A Gaussian Quadrature Rule for an
Integral from Radiation Transfer Calculations, with
M. Gander, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and
Radiative Transfer, vol. 68, pp. 213--223, January
Conversations + Interfaces = Business Logic, with H. Kuno,
M. Lemon, and D. Berenger, Proc. Second Intl. Workshop,
Technologies for E-Services, Rome, Italy, September 2001,
published in Technologies for E-Services, vol. 2193 of
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer:Berlin (2001)
- Web Services
Conversation Language (WSCL) 1.0, W3C Note 100, with many
co-authors, May (2002)
Using Split Capabilities for Access Control, with G. Rozas,
A. Banerji, R. Gupta, IEEE Software, vol. 20, #1, pp 42-49,
January (2003)
E-speak E-xplained, CACM, vol. 46. #7, pp. 113-118, July (2003)
The Global Computer, Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Creating,
Connecting and Collaborating through Computing (C5 2006),
Berkeley, CA, IEEE Press, January (2006). The original tech
report, "The Global Computer", was
rejected by IEEE Computer (1991) and everyone else I
submitted it to, but I still like it.
Authorization Based Access Control for the Services Oriented
Architecture, Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Creating,
Connecting and Collaborating through Computing (C5
2006), Berkeley, CA, IEEE Press, January (2006)
Polaris: Virus Safe Computing for Windows XP, with M. Stiegler,
K.-P. Yee, T. Close, and M. Miller, Communications of the ACM,
vol. 49, #9, pp. 83-88, September (2006)
Customizable Description and Dynamic Discovery for Web
Services, with W. Kim, ACM Conference on Electronic
Commerce (EC'04), New York, May (2004)
Delegating Responsibility in Digital Systems: Horton's "Who
Done It?", with M. Miller and J. Donnelley, HotSec '07, Boston,
MA, August (2007)
Access Control for the Services Oriented Architecture,
with J. Li, ACM Workshop on Secure Web Services,
ACM #459074, pp. 9-17, Fairfax, VA, November 2007
Improving Usability by Adding Security to a Video Conferencing
Collaboration System, with A. Mitchell, Usable Security
2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, #4886, pp. 378-382,
Mobile In-Store Personalized Services, with
J. Li, I. Ari, J. Jain, and M. Dekhil, International Conference
on Web Services (ICWS 2009), July 7-10, Los Angeles
Near-field communication-based secure mobile payment service,
Proc. 11th Intl. Conf. on Electronic Commerce (ICEC'09), Taipei,
pp. 142-151, August 2009
Solving the Transitive Access Problem for the Services Oriented
Architecture, Fifth International Conference on
Availability, Reliability, and Security (ARES 1010), February
15-18, Krakow, Poland (Best Paper)
Making Policy Decisions Disappear into the User's Workflow,
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2010),
Work-In-Progress, April 10-15, Atlanta, GA
From ABAC to ZBAC: The Evolution of Access Control Models,
Journal of Information Warfare, vol. 9, #2, pp. 37-45,September 2010
Managing Data Retention Policies at Scale, Information
Management (IM 2011), Dublin, May 2011 (Best Paper)
Clusterken: A Reliable Object-Based Messaging Framework to
Support Data Center Processing, Open Cirrus Summit, Moscow,
June 2011