HP Labs India

Press Reports

July - Sep 2002
Economic Times , Sep 07, 2002
HP labs to focus on language software
Financial Express, Aug 14, 2002
HP Labs Working On Indian Language Acoustic Model
Apr - Jun 2002
Dataquest, May 31, 2002
Creating a New Paradigm
IT World, May 14, 2002
India tackles the digital divide
Jan - Mar 2002
Misc. Media Coverage, Feb/March 2002
Misc. Media Coverage, Feb/March 2002
Misc. Media Coverage, Feb/March 2002
Asian Age, March 4, 2002
HP & IIT join hand to set up R&D lab
The Hindu, March 2, 2002
HP Labs' collaboration with IIT Chennai
Press Release, February 28, 2002
HP Labs India announces collaboration with IIT Madras
The Hindu, February 28, 2002
HP Labs launched
Press Release, February 25, 2002
HP Labs India to sponsor technical symposium in Bangalore
Hindu Business Line, February 22, 2002
HP in pact to help AP bridge digital divide


This page was last updated on June 15, 2010