HP Labs India

Press Reports

Oct - Dec 2007
Dataquest, Nov 27, 2007
Recognizing Innovation (Manthan Award for LipiTk)
Inquirer.net, 21 Nov 2007
Anti-fraud paper technology developed
The Economic Times, 20 Nov 2007
HP inks pact with university in Tamil Nadu to set up Educenter
Inquirer.net, 20 Nov 2007
Engineers create ‘gesture keyboard’ for PCs, mobile devices
Inquirer.net, 17 Nov 2007
Customer feedback playing bigger role in tech R&D
July - Sep 2007
The Economic Times , 06 Aug 2007
Varsities chip in to save recruiters
Business Standard, 16 July 2007
HP close to gesture-based keyboard deal
The Economic Times, 14 July 2007
Inside HP India Labs Where Metrics Don't Matter
IDG News Service, July 13, 2007
HP's India Labs Secures Paper Documents 
The Economic Times, 10 July 2007
Nokia, HP in talks for vernacular smart phones
The Hindu Business Line, 09 July 2007
HP Labs' PrintCast to allow data broadcast over TV
Express Computers, 02 July 2007, page no. 19
HP Labs: Innovation for the masses
Jan - Mar 2007
Deccan Herald, 21 March, 2007, page no. 15
Best of two worlds
Economic Times, Mar 08, 2007
TV can now feed you printouts on info
The Hindu, 19 Feb, 2007
The power of digital libraries


This page was last updated on June 15, 2010