Distributed Testing with SmartFrog. Google London Test
Automation Conference 06. GoogleLTAC.
Beyond Unit Testing. ApacheCon Europe 06.
Taming Deployment with SmartFrog O'Reilly EuroOSCON 05.
The problem: deployment. Why is it so hard? Because it's
complicated; everything needs to be configured to suit a
particular installation, and you can't test configuration
problems in advance. Most critically, it is the last place
in the build where too much is done by hand. If you can
automate deployment, including configuration, you can regain
control of deployment.
- PDF [755KB]
SmartFrog Overview Presentation
A general overview of SmartFrog
- Powerpoint [520KB]
GridWeaver: Large Scale Adaptive Fabric Configuration for
Grid Computing
From the Production Grid Management workshop at GGF8 in
June 2003. Discusses the integration of SmartFrog with LCFG
(Edinburgh University) to create a prototype system for
adaptive fabric management
Powerpoint [1.6MB]
24 June 2007