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SmartFrog Tutorial
This tutorial provides an introduction to SmartFrog, and a step-by-step guide to system configuration and deployment using the framework.- PDF [157KB]

SmartFrog Reference Manual
A reference guide for the SmartFrog framework. Discusses the motivation for, and use of, the framework.- PDF [754KB]

SmartFrog WorkFlow
A guide for SmartFrog WorkFlow components.
- PDF [590KB]

Anubis User Guide
A guide for Anubis components. Anubis is a notification service for providing accurate, time-bound detection of distributed system
status. The service is intended to support distributed, reactive system management.
- PDF [89KB]

The Anubis Service
Anubis is a fully distributed state monitoring and failure detection service designed to report distributed system states in a timely and consistent manner. It is based on a temporal model of distributed computing that includes the notion of network partitions. Here we describe the properties of the Anubis service and the protocols that implement them, along with a description of the Anubis service user interface. - PDF [288KB]

SmartFrog Dynamic Webserver Demonstrator
A brief description of the Dynamic Web Server Demonstrator.- PDF [151KB]

SmartFrog: Configuration and Automatic Ignition of Distributed Applications
A technical overview paper from the 2003 HP Openview University Association conference
- PDF [264KB]

“Grid Infrastructure Deployment using SmartFrog Technology”
Presented at GRIDNS 2006 track, International Conference on Networking and Services (ICNS)
- PDF [264KB]

A plug-in for creating and deploying SmartFrog applications
Overview article for the SmartFrog Plug-In for Eclipse. - PDF [64KB]

Updated 14 August 2007

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