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Eclipse (from Cisco)-based Constraint-Solving Plug-in

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There is available a plug-in which uses the constraint-solving engine: Eclipse (from Cisco Systems); not to be confused with the Java-based IDE of the same name.

The plug-in is designed to work alongside the experimental constraint extensions to the SmartFrog system. These extensions are documented in the main SmartFrog release.

Part of the design is to allow experimentation with different constraint solvers. At the moment, however, we are concentrating on the use of Eclipse.  Eclipse is essentially the logic programming language Prolog, augmented with support for constraint solving.

The plug-in enables users of the language to experiment with such constraint capabilities, by defining constraint predicates as Eclipse queries and attaching them to the various component descriptions. Some parts of the constraints may be left as unbound variables, and the Eclipse interpreter will search for bindings for these variables that satisfy the predicates.  Constraint extensions are meant as a means of completing and validating Smartfrog descriptions. 

The current release of support for constraint extensions is largely experimental and should be seen as one small step in what will become a larger journey into true constraint resolution, properly integrated into a next generation SmartFrog language.

Eclipse is available under Mozilla Public Licence, from: http://eclipse.crosscoreop.com/index.html.

For information concerning the use of the "csf" constraint extensions, see the accompanying documentation.

Updated 25 June 2007

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