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17-Aug-07 SmartFrog 3.12.000 released.      Production release.
10-Aug-07 SmartFrog 3.11.007 dev released. Development release.
31-Jul-07 Book: ANT in Action featuring SmartFrog.
16-Nov-06 SmartFrog 3.10.016 released. Production release.
23-Aug-06 SmartFrog 3.10.000 released. Production release.
23-Aug-06 SF Components 1.06.000 released.
30-Jul-06 Paper: “Grid Infrastructure Deployment using SmartFrog Technology” (link)
5-May-06 SF Components 1.02.000 released.
19-Jan-06 Tutorial updated: PDF, Sources.
17-Jan-06 Preview release: SmartFrog4.00.000_ALPHA.
16-Dec-05 SmartFrog 3.08.004 released. Production release.
18-Nov-05 SmartFrog 3.08.000 released. This is the first production ready/stable release.
17-Oct-05 Presentation at O'Reilly EurOSCON. (Slides).
14-Oct-05 Anubis release. Available from CVS.
15-Sep-05 SmartFrog 3.06.020_rc3 released
23-Aug-05 SmartFrog 3.06.016_rc2 released
3-Jun-05 SF Components 1.00.002 released
27-May-05 SmartFrog 3.06.000_rc1 released
16-May-05 SmartFrog Tutorial published (Link).
5-Jan-05 SF Components 1.00.000 released
3-Jan-05 SmartFrog 3.04.0014_beta released
20-Dec-04 Plug-In for Eclipse 1.00.1_beta released
28-Oct-04 SmartFrog Plug-In for Eclipse released. See article
18-Oct-04 SmartFrog 3.04.008_beta released
12-Aug-04 SmartFrog 3.04.000_beta released
27-May-04 Published draft for SmartFrog Workflow
28-Apr-04 SmartFrog 3.02.002_beta released
7-Apr-04 SmartFrog 3.02.000_alpha released
29-Jan-04 SmartFrog released as open source: see http://sourceforge.net/projects/smartfrog
26-Jun-05 aaaaaaaaaa   SmartFrog open source announced by HP CTO Shane Robison at GGF8

Updated 17 August 2007

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