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Group Members

Tim Spiller is a Distinguished Technologist. Tim's main QIPC research interest is quantum hardware theory, examples being superconducting circuits, magnetic and other solid state systems and non-linear devices such as Josephson and EIT systems, and the transformation of quantum information science into actual technologies. Other related interests include decoherence and general quantum phenomena in condensed matter systems. He Co-ordinated QUIPROCONE, the Quantum Information Processing & Communications Network of Excellence for the European Commission (2000-2003). He was founding chair of the UK Institute of Physics Quantum  Information, Quantum Optics and Quantum Control (QQQ) subject group, and is on the Board of the UK ESPRC Quantum Information Processing Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration (QIP IRC).

Bill Munro is a Master Technologist within HP Lab's Quantum Information Processing group located in Bristol. His current interests have focussed around the practical implementation for optical and solid state quantum hardware, the generation of optical nonlinearities, the characterisation of quantum states and processes, novel quantum communication protocols (including short range QKD) and quantum metrology. He has recently developed a weak nonlinearity approaches to optical quantum computation. Finally, Bill also has a keen interest in the foundational tests of quantum theory.

Keith Harrison is a Master Technologist within HP Lab's Quantum Information Processing Group and also within the Systems Security Lab. Keith's work within the QIP Group is in QKD.

Radu Ionicioiu is a Research Fellow within HP Lab's Quantum Information Processing Group at Bristol. His interest in the newly emerging field of quantum computation was stimulated by the existence of an undecidable problem in quantum gravity (4-manifolds are unclassifiable) and by the natural question if this would be solvable on a quantum computer (the answer, disappointingly, turned out to be negative).

Research Fellow - To be hired.

Research Fellow - To be hired.

QIP Group Associates & Former Members

Adrian Kent, a former member of the QIP Group, is currently a lecturer at DAMTP, University of Cambridge and member of the Cambridge Centre for Quantum Computation. His research covers a broad area from the foundations of quantum theory and quantum information theory to devising new unconditionally secure cryptographic protocols and other technological applications. A major current interest is developing a more systematic understanding of quantum cryptography and of relativistic cryptography; that is, characterising the cryptographic tasks which can be implemented securely by relying on quantum theory, special relativity, or both.

Kae Nemoto is a Professor in the recently formed Quantum Information Science group at the National Institute of Informatics (NII). This research institute based in Tokyo, Japan is focused on creating future value in the discipline of informatics, through advancing integrated research and development activities in information-related fields, including networking, software, and content.  Professor Nemoto is a member of the Principles of Informatics Division and her research interests are focused around quantum computation and information processing, quantum and atom optics, quantum nonlinear dynamics and the foundations of quantum mechanics . In particular, she is currently investigating the requirements for true quantum computation and the various routes by which it may be achieved.

Pieter Kok holds a degree in Foundations of Quantum Theory from the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands (1997) and received his PhD in physics from the University of Wales, Bangor (2001).

Pieter's research interests include relativistic quantum information theory, linear optical implementations of quantum communication and computation protocols, quantum teleportation and the interpretation of quantum theory. Pieter is also one of the co-developers of quantum interferometric optical lithography.

Pieter is currently a Lecturer in Theoretical Physics, Low Dimensional Structures and Devices Group, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sheffield.

Sean Barrett gained a BA and MSc in Physics at Cambridge University in 1999. Between 1999 and 2002 he was a post graduate student in the Physics Department at Cambridge University. He joined HP Labs in January 2003.

Although Sean is primarily interested in theoretical physics, much of his inspiration is drawn from close collaboration with experimental physicists. During his post graduate studies he contributed to a practical proposal for solid state quantum computation using sodium impurities in silicon, which is presently being pursued by researchers in the Semiconductor Physics Group at Cambridge. He has also engaged in fruitful collaborations with scientists at the Centre for Quantum Computer Technology in Australia.

Sean is now a Research Fellow in the Quantum Optics and Laser Science group at Imperial College, London.

Joanna Duligall was a Research Fellow within HP Lab's Quantum Information Processing Group at Bristol. She worked building a prototype of a low cost, short range quantum cryptography system capable of operating in daylight conditions. This work is intended to explore the possibility of using such a system for consumer applications without compromising on security.

Gregor Tanner is a lecturer at the University of Nottingham, who has worked in the QIP group on a Royal Society Industrial Fellowship in 2002. His work involves crossing and recrossing the delicate boundary between classical and quantum mechanics in an attempt to understand how classical dynamics influences quantum phenomena. In recent years he has developed a keen interest in quantum networks and random matrix theory and has given criteria for universality in statistical properties of spectra of quantum graphs depending on the topology of the underlying network.

This work has implications for the design and fault tolerance of quantum registers and quantum circuits. Other research interests range from nonlinear dynamics and ergodic theory to quantum chaos in few body problems like atoms and molecules and the study of dynamical localisation effects in scalar and vectorial wave equations.

Denzil Rodrigues completed his PHD in Bristol in 2003, where he studied superconducting charge qubits. After working for three months at HP Labs on electromagnetically induced transparency, he now has a postdoctoral position at Nottingham University. He is now investigating the behaviour of nano mechanical systems coupled to single electron transistors.

Anthony Chefles was a Research Fellow within HP Lab's Quantum Information Processing Group at Bristol. He has previously held postdoctoral and lecturing positions at the Universities of Strathclyde and Hertfordshire, NUI Maynooth and University College Dublin. His work focuses on the theory of quantum states and channels (processes) with applications to quantum information science.

University Support

In 2008 Professor Kae Nemoto and her group from NII were awarded one of the inaugural HP Labs Innovation Research Awards. These awards are designed to create opportunities -- at colleges, universities and research institutes around the world -- for breakthrough collaborative research with HP. Her research award is focussed on Distributed Quantum Information Processing and Hybrid Quantum Devices.

HP has previously supported

Sandu Popescu in the Theoretical Physics Group at the University of Bristol, UK.

Dr Renato Renner and Dr Jonathan Barrett at the Centre for Quantum Computation, University of Cambridge UK.

Dr. Axel Kuhn  at the Clarendon Laboratory,
University of Oxford UK.

EPSRC Case Students

Rebecca Ronke
Department of Physics, University of York

Katherine Brown
School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leeds

Fabio Grazioso
Department of Materials, University of Oxford

Former EPSRC Case Students: Denzil Rodrigues (Bristol); Moritz Reuter (Imperial College); Joanna Duligall (Bristol); Joshua Nunn (Oxford), Catherine Jarvis (Bristol).







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