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Some key recent papers include:

  • W. J. Munro, K. Nemoto and T. P. Spiller, "Weak non-linearities: A new route to optical quantum computation", New Journal of Physics 7, 137 (2005)
  • T. P. Spiller, W. J. Munro, S. D. Barrett and P. Kok, "An Introduction to quantum information processing: Applications and realizations", Comtemporary Physics 46, 407-436 (2005)
  • T. P. Spiller and W. J. Munro "Towards a quantum information technology industry", Journal of Physics, Condens. Matter 18, V1-V10 (2006)
  • T. P. Spiller, K. Nemoto, S.L. Braunstein, W. J. Munro, P. van Loock and G. J. Milburn, "Quantum computation by communication", Journal of Physics 8, 30 (2006)
  • P. van Loock, T. D. Ladd, K. Sanaka, F. Yamaguchi, K. Nemoto, W. J.
    Munro and Y. Yamamoto, "Hybrid quantum repeater using bright coherent light", Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 240501 (2006)
  • P. Kok, W. J. Munro, K. Nemoto, T. C. Ralph, J. P. Dowling and G. J.
    Milburn, "Review article: Linear optical quantum computing", quant-ph/0512071, to appear in Reviews of Modern Physics
  • J. L. Duligall, M. S. Godfrey, K. A. Harrison, W. J. Munro and J. G.
    Rarity, "Low Cost and Compact Quantum Cryptography", quant-ph/0608213.



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