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About the Series:

The QIP Group at HP Labs in Bristol and the University of Bristol Quantum Computation and Information Group are jointly organising a series of seminars on Quantum Information, with location alternating between HP Labs and the University.

Unless otherwise announced, seminars at HP Labs will take place in Bonavista meeting room, which is on the ground floor of building 3. Directions to HP Labs can be found here. Visitors should let the Receptionist in Building 3 know that they are attending the seminar to obtain a visitor badge. Seminars at the University will take place in various locations: see individual seminars for details.

Past Seminars:


Contact Information:

For further information about the Seminars contact Bill Munro (HP Labs), Tim Spiller (HP Labs), Richard Jozsa (Bristol University), Noah Linden (Bristol University) or Sandu Popescu (HP Labs/Bristol University).


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