HP Labs India

HP's Gesture based Key board for kannada

March 18, 2006

India Business Insight Via Thomson Dialog NewsEdge)Hewlett-Packard (HP), a technology solutions provider, has announced the introduction of a pen-based technology to record and store Kannada script directly into a computer without the aid of a conventional keyboard.

HP Labs India of Bangalore developed the technology called `the gesture-based keyboard (GKB)'.

This can be used as a mouse to capture signatures, pictures, and visual games.

Without the use of bilingual keyboards, users are allowed to input the data with a pen. It is easier for communication for users who do not know English. The product will be commercially available in Mar 2006. The cost of the new HP GKB for Kannada is about Rs2,000. HP will soon launch GKB for Hindi, Marathi, Bengali, and Gujarati.

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