HP Labs India

Past Directors

Ajay Gupta
Srinivasan Ramani

2004-2009 Ajay Gupta
Since joining HP in 1986, Gupta has held positions with HP Labs in India, Singapore and the United Kingdom. From 1998 to 2003, he was managing director of the Indian subsidiary of HP's joint venture with Ericsson, Ericsson HP Telecom (EHPT), and was responsible for building its research and development and global offshore services center.

Prior to this, Gupta was system integration business manager of the HP Telecom Management division in Singapore, where he led multi-million dollar solution sales and delivery teams. From 1991 to 1995, Gupta led teams at HP Labs Bristol, U.K., working on electronic test systems and intelligent networks to develop a number of products that now form HP's and Agilent's telecom offerings. Between 1989 and 1991, Gupta was part of the team that set up HP's offshore software operation in Bangalore, India.

Gupta earned his bachelor of engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India, and his master of science from the University of Edinburgh, U.K. He holds several granted patents and has been published in numerous technical journals.


2002-2004 Srinivasan Ramani
Dr Srinivasan Ramani earned his PhD at IIT Bombay. He has worked at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Bombay, and as a researcher at the Carnegie-Mellon University. He left the TIFR where he was Associate Director, National Centre for Software Development and Computing Techniques (NCSDCT) in 1985, and went on to serve as the founding director of the National Centre for Software Technology (NCST), where he played a key role in creating India’s academic network ERNET that brought the Internet to India.

He came to Bangalore as the first director of Hewlett Packard Labs India in 2001. He has served as a member of the Expert Panel of Advisors of the United Nation’s Task Force on ICT for Development. He has also served as Chairman of the Computer Society of India and as Chairman of the International Council for Computer Communication.

He retired from HP Labs in 2007 and moved on to the International Institute of Information Technology, where he serves as a professor now. He collaborates with HP Labs India in the area of Technology in Education.




This page was last updated on April 11, 2011