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February 1997, Article 6

February 1997, Article 6

The Supply Chain Approach to Planning and Procurement Management

The supply chain approach models stochastic events influencing a manufacturing organization's shipment and inventory performance in the same way that a mechanical engineer models tolerance buildup in a new product design. The objectives are to minimize on-hand inventory and optimize supplier response times.

by Gregory A. Kruger

Article 6 - feb97a6.pdf

Appendix I: Derivation of the Standard Deviation of Demand Given an R-Week Review Period - feb97a6a.pdf

Appendix II: The Expected Value and Variance of On-Hand Inventory when there are no Restrictions on Minimum Buy Quantities - feb97a6b.pdf

Appendix III: The Expected Value and Variance of On-Hand Inventory when there Are Restrictions on Minimum Buy Quantities - feb97a6c.pdf

Appendix IV: Incorporating SRT (Supplier Response Time) into the Safety Stock Calculations - feb97a6d.pdf

Appendix V: Derating the Service Level to Account for Reduced Periods of Exposure to Stock-outs as a Result of Minimum Buy or Economic Order Quantities - feb97a6e.pdf

Appendix VI: Estimating Weekly Demand Uncertainty from Monthly Data - feb97a6f.pdf

Appendix VII: Adjusting Safety Stock to Account for Yield Loss - feb97a6g.pdf

This article is available in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF). To view this article you need to have Acrobat Reader 2.0 or later installed on your system. The Acrobat reader is available free of charge in Unix, Dos, Windows and Macintosh formats. You can download the reader from Adobe Systems (www.adobe.com)
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