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February 1997,
Volume 48, Issue 1


SoftBench 5.0: The Evolution of an Integrated Software Development Environment
by Deborah A. Lienhart
The C++ SoftBench Class Editor
by Julie B. Wilson
The SoftBench Static Analysis Database
by Robert C. Bethke
CodeAdvisor: Rule-Based C++ Defect Detection Using a Static Database
by Timothy J. Duesing and John R. Diamant
Using SoftBench to Integrate Heterogeneous Software Development Environments
by Stephen A. Williams
The Supply Chain Approach to Planning and Procurement Management
by Gregory A. Kruger
A New Family of Sensors for Pulse Oximetry
by Siegfried Kästle, Friedemann Noller, Siegfried Falk, Anton Bukta, Eberhard Mayer, and Dietmar Miller
Design of a 600-Pixel-per-Inch, 30-Bit Color Scanner
by Steven L. Webb, Kevin J. Youngers, Michael J. Steinle, and Joe A. Eccher
Building Evolvable Systems: The ORBlite Project
by Keith E. Moore and Evan R. Kirshenbaum
Developing Fusion Objects for Instruments
by Antonio A. Dicolen and Jerry J. Liu
An Approach to Architecting Enterprise Solutions
by Robert A. Seliger
Object-Oriented Customer Education
by Wulf Rehder

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