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February 1995,
Volume 46, Issue 1


Broadband Frequency Characterization of Optical Receivers Using Intensity Noise
by Douglas M. Baney, Wayne B. Soren

Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier Test System
by Edgar Leckel, Jurgen Sang, Rolf Muller, Clemens Ruck, and Christian Hentschel
Multi-Quantum-Well Ridge Waveguide Lasers for Tunable External-Cavity Sources
by Tirumala R. Ranganath, Michael J. Ludowise, Patricia A. Beck, Dennis J. Derickson, William H. Perez, Tim L. Bagwell, and David M. Braun
Measurement of Polarization-Mode Dispersion,
by Brian L. Heffner and Paul R. Hernday
A New Design Approach for a Programmable Optical Attenuator
by Siegmar Schmidt and Halmo Fischer
Precision Reflectometer with Spurious-Free Enhanced Sensitivity,
by David M. Braun, Dennis J. Derickson, Luis M. Fernandez, and Greg D. LeCheminant
High-Power, Low-Internal-Reflection, Edge Emitting Light-Emitting Diodes
by Dennis J. Derickson, Patricia A. Beck, Tim L. Bagwell, David M. Braun, Julie E. Fouquet, Forrest G. Kellert, Michael J. Ludowise, William H. Perez, Tirumala R. Ranganath, Gary R. Trott, and Susan R. Sloan
Jitter Analysis of High-Speed Digital Systems
by Christopher M. Miller and David J. McQuate
Automation of Optical Time-Domain Reflectometry Measurements
by Frank A. Maier and Harald Seeger
Design and Performance of a Narrowband VCO at 282 THz
by Peter R. Robrish, Christopher J. Madden, Rory L. VanTuyl, and William R. Trutna, Jr.
Surface Emitting Laser for Multimode Data Link Applications
by Michael R.T. Tan, Kenneth H. Hahn, Yu-Min D. Houng, and Shih-Yuan Wang
Generating Short-Wavelength Light Using a Vertical-Cavity Laser Structure
by Shigeru Nakagawa, Danny E. Mars, and Norihide Yamada
A New, Flexible Sequencer Architecture for Testing Complex Serial Bit Streams
by Robert E. McAuliffe, James L. Benson, and Christopher B. Cain
Shortening the Time to Volume Production of High-Performance Standard Cell ASICs
by Jay D. McDougal and William E. Young
A Framework for Insight into the Impact of Interconnect on 0.35-mm VLSI Performance,
by Prasad Raje
Synthesis of 100% Delay Fault Testable Combinational Circuits by Cube Partitioning
by William K. Lam
Better Models or Better Algorithms? Techniques to Improve Fault Diagnosis,
by Robert C. Aitken and Peter C. Maxwell

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