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SE3D Film Festival Entries and Awards


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The SE3D films made it into a large number of festivals (this is not an exhaustive list):

A Cat’s Tail, Motion Blur
Festival du cinéma international en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Quebec, CANADA
Flip Animation Festival, UK
Animated Exeter Festival, UK
Bourg-En-Bresse Festival Du Film D' animation Pour La Jeunesse, France October 2006
Edinburgh International Film Festival, Maclaren Animation Programme, August 2006
Ciné-Jeune de l'Aisne international Festival, France, 2006
Schools Prize Winner, Annecy International Animated Film Festival 2006
Seoul Net Festival 2006, Family Theater, Perspectives strand
Buster 2006, Danish Children’s and Youth International Film Festival

Cellar Dweller, Tamari Productions Ltd
Square Eyes Festival, Arnhem, The Netherlands, September 2006

Dave in One Good Turn
22nd International Short Film Festival, Berlin
Animated Exeter 2007

Ebenezer Morgan’s Photography Emporium, Jaime Pardo and Tia Perkins
Seoul Net Festival 2006, Digital Express, Cinema 4 Net category
The Vue Animation Award, Rushes Soho Shorts Festival, August 2006
Cartoons in the Bay, Italy, 2006
Stuttgart Trickfilms Festival, 2006
Cinanima International Animation Festival, Portugal, November 2005
Annecy International Animated Film Festival 2006

Elroy III the Potato Head Boy by Ben Lock
Los Angeles International Short Film Festival, September 2006
Short Film Corner, Cannes, May 2006

If I had a Hammer by Andy Bean
Best Animated Short, Fantastic Fest, Austin, Texas, US, 2006
Best Animated Short, Phoenix International Horror and Sci-Fi festival, 2006 Runner up in the Best Fantasy Animation category at Dragon*Con 2006
Super Shorts 2006
What the Hell Did I Just Watch Comedy Festival
Portland Independent Animation Festival
Toronto Fantasy Worldwide film festival, October 2006

Little Angel by Screenburn Limited
Square Eyes Festival, Arnhem, The Netherlands, September 2006
Won Best Animation, Peoples Choice and Overall Festival Winner, 3rd TIC Short Film Festival, Birmingham, UK, October 2005
Shortlisted in the Best Short Film category and Public Choice Award, British Animation Awards 2006.

Processed, Rubberductions, Submerge and Fixel
Shortlisted for the ITV West Award, the Best of British Award, and the South West Screen Audience Award, Encounters Festival, UK, 2006
Square Eyes Festival, Arnhem, The Netherlands, September 2006

SolidSound, Jo Hyde and Supernatural Studios
Square Eyes Festival, Arnhem, The Netherlands, September 2006

The Performer, Olaf Wendt
Hull International Short Film Festival, September 2006
The Moondance International Film Festival, US, 2006
Montclair International Film Festival, US, 2006
Palm Springs International Festival, US, 2006
The Woods Hole Film Festival, US, 2006

Two Fellas by Dan Lane
Square Eyes Festival, Arnhem, The Netherlands, September 2006-10-02
BAF Festival, Panorama programme, November 2005,
Edinburgh International Film Festival, Maclaren Animation Programme, August 2005

SE3D news

» SE3D films storm the festival circuit
» SE3D nominated for Computing Awards' Innovative Project of the Year 2006
» SE3D goes to Cannes '05
» SE3D films showcased at Animated Encounters
» More SE3D news

White papers

» Servicing the Animation Industry: HP's Utility Rendering Service Provides On-Demand Computing Resources
» Showcase for tomorrow's computing utility
» SE3D overview

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» Showcase seeds new animation talent
» Shrek 2: HP Labs goes Hollywood
» The Painter is a brush with the future
» Framing The Painter: Digital Animators Speed Production with HP Labs' Experimental Rendering Service
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