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SE3D goes to Cannes


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The SE3D animation showcase is being featured by HP as part of its presence and sponsorship of the Cannes Film Festival, which runs until 22 May.

SE3D films are being shown to public, press and business visitors on newly launched HP Digital Entertainment Centres. And HP Labs researchers involved with the SE3D project are on hand to demonstrate an 'animator's-eye' view of how the service works.

The service and films are on show at the Majestic Hotel and on the HP stand in the American Pavilion.

... and to Copenhagen

SE3D is also featured at the HP's huge annual customer show ENSA@Work, which is this year in Copenhagen (May 30-June 3). ENSA is an opportunity for customers and partners to get a comprehensive overview of the services and products that HP has to offer. For HP, SE3D and its underlying technologies from HP Labs, demonstrates its vision of a world of flexible, fast utility services.

Leading festival date for showcase

The SE3D story will be presented during the international Annecy Film Festival, in France, at the Creative Focus event at 9am on Wednesday 8 June. SE3D will also form a discussion topic with the film schools at the Creative Café, on the same day, from 12.00 to 1 30pm.


SE3D news

» SE3D films storm the festival circuit
» SE3D nominated for Computing Awards' Innovative Project of the Year 2006
» SE3D goes to Cannes '05
» SE3D films showcased at Animated Encounters
» More SE3D news

White papers

» Servicing the Animation Industry: HP's Utility Rendering Service Provides On-Demand Computing Resources
» Showcase for tomorrow's computing utility
» SE3D overview

More information

» Showcase seeds new animation talent
» Shrek 2: HP Labs goes Hollywood
» The Painter is a brush with the future
» Framing The Painter: Digital Animators Speed Production with HP Labs' Experimental Rendering Service
» Contact us
» SE3D home

Related links

» Watershed
» Brief Encounters

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