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For more information on the SE3D animation showcase and associated events, contact:

For more information about HP Labs experimental utility rendering service and related research, contact:

    Julian Richards
    Public Relations Manager
    HP Laboratories
    Filton Road
    Bristol BS34 8QZ

SE3D news

» SE3D films storm the festival circuit
» SE3D nominated for Computing Awards' Innovative Project of the Year 2006
» SE3D goes to Cannes '05
» SE3D films showcased at Animated Encounters
» More SE3D news

White papers

» Servicing the Animation Industry: HP's Utility Rendering Service Provides On-Demand Computing Resources
» Showcase for tomorrow's computing utility
» SE3D overview

More information

» Showcase seeds new animation talent
» Shrek 2: HP Labs goes Hollywood
» The Painter is a brush with the future
» Framing The Painter: Digital Animators Speed Production with HP Labs' Experimental Rendering Service
» Contact us
» SE3D home

Related links

» Watershed
» Brief Encounters

URS providing on-demand resources to production companies - big and small
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