SmartFrog Core

Here is the List of available documents for Smartfrog Core.

Building SmartFrog System

This document describes how to build the SmartFrog framework from its source files. It describes how to set up the development system, and how to execute the build scripts. Links to document : HTML , "CVS (Online)"

SmartFrog Tutorial

This document provides an introduction to SmartFrog, and provides a step-by-step guide to system configuration and deployment using the framework. It brings together material from The SmartFrog Reference Manual, The SmartFrog User Guide and The SmartFrog API (Javadoc), which should be consulted for details. Links to document : HTML , PDF and "CVS (Online)"

Quick Reference

Quick Reference to SmartFrog Language Links to document : HTML , PDF and CVS (Online)

User Manual

This manual is aimed at those wanting to run the SmartFrog framework. It assumes that user is working with the binary distribution of the SmartFrog framework. Links to document : HTML , PDF , CVS (Online)

Reference Manual

This manual is aimed at those wanting to use and understand the workings of SmartFrog. It is not a basic tutorial, though hopefully it is not too obscure, either. The notation is described fully, as is the component model. The framework, however, is only outlined. For a detailed reference description of the framework APIs, users should refer to the accompanying Javadoc files. Links to document : HTML , PDF , CVS (Online)


This document shows how the SmartFrog system has been extended to become a simple and lightweight workflow-like system (known as SmartFlow) for carrying out complex tasks requiring distributed actions on clusters of machines, and where ordering, recovery from failure, etc. are important features. Links to document : HTML , PDF , "CVS (Online)"

IDE Development

This document covers how to work with the SmartFrog source trees from inside IDEs. Links to document : HTML , PDF , "CVS (Online)"


SmartFrog has a logging system as part of its fundamental core which can be extended in interesting ways, but which provides the component writer with that consistent interface common for all components and the core of SmartFrog itself. Links to document : HTML , PDF , "CVS (Online)"