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Quantum cryptography - Quantum cryptography realises the cryptographer's dream of perfectly secure cryptosystems, guaranteed unbreakable by the laws of physics. The most important application to date, quantum key distribution, allows two people to exchange secret messages in such a way that any eavesdropping can be detected before eavesdroppers have a chance to obtain any secret information. Quantum key distribution via photon signals is a practical technology, which has been implemented over standard optical fibres, with a range of tens of kilometres, and through free space, with a range of several kilometres. Ground-to-satellite quantum cryptographic links are expected to be in place in the near future. The QIP Group is working with collaborators to develop better quantum key distribution technologies. We are also working to develop novel applications of quantum cryptography, including guaranteed random number generation by separated mistrustful parties, remote auctions which are guaranteed secure, and authentication systems which prevent any possibility of impersonation.



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