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Embedded Computer Architecture and Automation

© Copyright 2001 IEEE
Reprinted from Computer, Vol. 34, No. 4 (April 2001)*

by B. Ramakrishna Rau (deceased, 2002) and Michael S. Schlansker, HP Labs

The distinct requirements of embedded computing, coupled with emerging technologies, will stimulate system and processor specialization, customization, and computer architecture automation.
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About the Authors:

B. Ramakrishna (Bob) Rau (deceased, 2002) was an HP Fellow and the manager of the Compiler and Architecture Research (CAR) group at Hewlett-Packard Laboratories. He was a pioneer in the field of VLIW computing, having been active in this area since its inception in 1980. Many of the central architectural and compiler ideas in the VLIW and EPIC style of computing were conceived of and developed by him.

Michael S. (Mike) Schlansker is a principal architect in HP Labs' Internet and Computing Platforms Technologies Center, investigating the use of reconfigurable computer architectures to support embedded computing needs.
Schlansker, who joined HP in 1990 to work on the development of next-generation VLIW architectures and VLIW compilers, was a leader of research on EPIC and a principal architect of PA-Wide Word. His work resulted in the definition of EPIC architectures that are the foundation for the HP/Intel IA-64.
More recently, Schlansker participated in the design of PICO (Program In Chip Out). PICO generates custom systolic and VLIW processors for specific applications.

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