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Our researchers regularly publish in major technical journals and present work at key conferences. Here is an assortment of some recent publications:

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listing updated 6 January 2004

SoftUDC: A New Adaptive Management Paradigm

IEEE Computer, Nov. 2004, Vol. 37, No. 11, pp. 38-46
Mahesh Kallahalla , Mustafa Uysal, Ram Swaminathan, David E. Lowell, Mike Wray, Tom Christian, Nigel Edwards, Chris I. Dalton, Frederic Gittler
This paper is available with permission from IEEE, which holds its copyright

Tycoon: an Implemention of a Distributed Market-Based Resource Allocation System

Kevin Lai, Lars Rasmusson, Eytan Adar, Stephen Sorkin, Li Zhang, Bernardo A. Huberman

FAB: Building distributed enterprise disk arrays from commodity components

ASPLOS 2004 (October 2004, Boston, MA).
Yasushi Saito, Svend Frĝlund, Alistair Veitch, Arif Merchant, Susan Spence

Triage: Performance Isolation and Differentiation for Storage Systems

Proc. of International Workshop of Quality of Service (IWQoS'04) , pp. 67-74, June 2004, Montreal, Canada
Magnus Karlsson, Christos Karamanolis and Xiaoyun Zhu

On causal and semicausal codes for joint information embedding and source coding

(available as HP Labs Tech Report, HPL-2004-38)
Proc. ISIT 2004, Chicago, IL, June 2004
Neri Merhav and Erik Ordentlich

An Ant-Inspired Technique for Storage Area Network Design

Proc. BioADIT 2004, Jan. 2004, Lausanne, Switzerland
Elizabeth Dicke, Andrew Byde, Dave Cliff, Paul Layzell

Design, Implementation and Test of an Email Virus Throttle

Proceedings Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, December 2003
Matthew M. Williamson

Computation and Performance Issues in Coliseum, an Immersive Videoconferencing System

ACM Multimedia 2003, November 2003
H.Harlyn Baker, Nina Bhatti, Donald Tanguay, Irwin Sobel, Dan Gelb, Michael E. Goss, John MacCormick, W. Bruce Culbertson

An Architecture for Componentized, Network-Based Media Services

(available as HP Labs tech report HPL-2003-185)
International Conference on Multimedia and Expo 2003
Michael Harville, Michele Covell, Susie Wee

Discovering Communities in Linear Time: a Physics Approach

Fang Wu and Bernardo A. Huberman

A flexible role-based secure messaging service

14th International Workshop on IEEE DEXA (Trustbus03) ©IEEE
Marco Casassa Mont, Pete Bramhall and Keith Harrison

Efficient Dense Correspondences Using Temporally Encoded Light Patterns

(available as HP Labs Tech Report HPL-2003-189)
IEEE International Workshop on Projector-Camera Systems (PROCAMS)
Nelson L. Chang

Toward Evaluation Techniques for Music Similarity

(available as HP Labs Tech Report HPL-2003-159)
Keynote at SIGIR 2003 Workshop on the Evaluation of Music Information Retrieval Systems, August 2003
Beth Logan, Daniel P. W. Ellis and Adam Berenzweig

Implementing and Testing a Virus Throttle

(available as HP Labs Tech Report, HPL-2003-103)
USENIX Security Symposium, August 2003
Jamie Twycross, Matthew M. Williamson

Inkjet-Assisted Spray Cooling of Electronics

(PDF) Best paper, InterPACK '03, the PACIFIC RIM/ASME International Electronic Packaging Technical Conference & Exhibition, July 2003
(see also a news story about the winning paper)
Cullen E. Bash, Chandrakant D. Patel, Ratnesh K. Sharma

Building a Performance Model of Streaming Media Applications in a Utility Data Center Environment

Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2003), May 2003
L. Cherkasova, L. Staley.

Specifying and Monitoring Guarantees in Commercial Grids through SLA

IEEE CCGrid 2003, May 2003
(available as HP Labs Tech Report HPL-2002-324)
Akhil Sahai, Sven Graupner, Vijay Machiraju, Aad van Moorselp

Fusion of Semantic and Acoustic Approaches for Spoken Document Retrieval

ISCA Workshop on Multilingual Spoken Document Retrieval (MSDR 2003), April 2003
(available as tech report, HPL-2003-55)
Beth Logan, Patrawadee Prasangsit and Pedro Moren

FAST 2003 Keynote Address: From Data to Retrieval

(presentation, pdf)
File and Storage technologies (FAST'03), March-April 2003
John Wilkes

Facade: Virtual storage devices with performance guarantees

File and Storage technologies (FAST'03), March-April 2003, pp. 131-144, Published by USENIX
Christopher Lumb, Arif Merchant and Guillermo Alvarez

Plutus: Scalable secure file sharing on untrusted storage

File and Storage technologies (FAST'03), March-April 2003, pp. 131-144, Published by USENIX, Berkeley, CA.
Mahesh Kallahalla, Erik Riedel, Ram Swaminathan, Qian Wang and Kevin Fu

Web Services Management Network: An Overlay Network for Federated Service Management

IEEE/IFIP IM 2003, March 2003 (available as HP Labs Tech Report HPL-2002-234)
Vijay Machiraju, Akhil Sahai, Aad van Moorsel

Power evaluation of a handheld computer

IEEE Micro, Jan.-Feb. 2003, © IEEE, 2003
Marc A. Viredaz (HP Labs) and Deborach A. Wallach (Google Laboratories)
In a comprehensive study using the Itsy pocket computer, the authors measure both total system power and power dissipated by individual subcircuits for represenative workloads. The results suggest possible low-power design optimizations and power management strategies.

On the Complexity of Distance-based Evolutionary Tree Reconstruction

Fourteenth ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), January 2003. (available as HP Labs Technical Report HPL-2002-267)
Valerie King, Li Zhang, and Yunhong Zhou

Compressed-Domain Video Processing

(available as HP Labs Tech report HPL-2002-282)
published as a chapter in CRC Handbook on Video Databases, 2003
S. Wee, B. Shen, J. Apostolopoulos

Video Streaming: Concepts, Algorithms, and Systems

(available as HP Labs Tech Report HPL-2002-260)
published as a chapter in CRC Handbook on Video Databases, 2003
J. Apostolopoulos, W. Tan, S. Wee

End-to-End Congestion Control for InfiniBand

Infocom 2003, April 2003
Jose Renato Santos, Yoshio Turner, G. (John) Janakiraman

When Can I Expect an Email Response? A Study of Rhythms in Email Usage

CHI 2003, the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, April, 2003
Joshua R. Tyler (HP Labs) and John C. Tang (Sun Labs)

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