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Web Services: Concepts, Architectures and Applications
(Springer Verlag; October 2003)
Fabio Casati, Harumi Kuno and Vijay Machiraju (HP Labs) and Gustavo Alonso ( Department of Computer Science, ETH Zentrum, Zurich, Switzerland)
Based on their academic and industrial experience with middleware and enterprise application integration systems, the authors describe the fundamental concepts behind the notion of Web services and present them as the natural evolution of conventional middleware, necessary to meet the challenges of the Web and of B2B application integration.

Pattern-Oriented Analysis and Design: Composing Patterns to Design Software Systems (Addison Wesley Professional, 2003)
Sherif Yacoub, Hany Ammar
This book aims to make it easier for anyone to build better software systems faster. The co-authors introduce a methodology, Pattern-Oriented Analysis and Design (POAD), for more quickly composing complex software systems using UML-class (Unified Modeling Language) diagrams as building blocks.

Modern Cryptography: Theory and Practice
(HP Books and Prentice Hall, 2004)
Wenbo Mao
Modern Cryptography is an indispensable resource for every advanced student of cryptography who intends to implement strong security in real-world applications. Leading HP Labs security expert Wenbo Mao explains why conventional crypto schemes, protocols, and systems are profoundly vulnerable, introducing both fundamental theory and real-world attacks. In addition, he shows how to implement crypto systems that are truly “fit for application.”

Java Development with Ant
(Manning Publications Co., 2002)
Steve Loughran of HP Labs and Erik Hatcher, an Ant project committer
The most widely used build tool for Java projects, Ant is cross-platform, extensible, simple, and fast. It scales from small personal projects to large, multi-team J2EE projects. This book explores what Ant can do, and how to apply it to your project.

Selected SPIE Papers on CD-ROM, Volume 24
Color Imaging: Device-Independent Color, Color Hard Copy, and Graphic Arts
(CD-ROM, SPIE Press, 2002)
Giordano Beretta, Hewlett-Packard Co.; Jan Bares, NexPress Solutions, LLC; Reiner Eschbach, Xerox Corp.; Gabriel Marcu, Apple Computer, Inc., editors
The papers on this CD-ROM span a decade of research in color reproduction.

Device Electronics for Integrated Circuits 
(John Wiley & Sons, 2002)
Ted Kamins, Richard Muller and Mansun Chun
More than 40 years after its invention, the integrated circuit has entered an exciting but more challenging stage of development, as ever-shrinking devices approach the physical limits associated with the structure of matter. In the third edition of their essential text, Ted Kamins of HP Labs and his co-authors explore these developments and the underlying physics of modern electronic devices.

Trusted Computing Platforms:
TCPA Technology in Context

(Prentice Hall Professional Technical Reference, 2002)
Boris Balacheff, Liqun Chen, David Plaquin, Graeme Proudler and Siani Pearson
As businesses stake their existence on the computing platforms, the trustworthiness of these platforms is a vital concern. In this book, the leaders of the Trusted Computing Platform Alliance describe their specification for building trusted platforms atop trusted hardware.

Reuse-Based Software Engineering:
Techniques, Organizations, and Controls
(John Wiley & Sons, 2001)
by Hafedh Mili, Ali Mili, Sherif Yacoub, Edward Addy
Sherif Yacoub of HP Labs and his co-authors show how three important aspects of software reuse --technical, management, and organizational-- are used in the development lifecycle of component-based software engineering and product line engineering.

ia-64 Linux kernel: Design and Implementation
(HP Books and Prentice Hall PTR, 2002)
by David Mosberger and Stéphane Eranian
This authoritative guide introduces the IA-64 architecture, instruction set and key features, and focuses on the Linux kernel subsystem including the virtual memory subsystem, device support and system performance monitoring.

The Myth of the Paperless Office 
(MIT Press, 2001)
by Abigail Sellen and Richard Harper
We may be living in the digital age but the long-awaited paperless office is no nearer now than it was 30 years ago.

The Laws of the Web 
(MIT Press, 2001)
Bernardo A. Huberman
Despite its haphazard growth, the Web hides powerful underlying regularities -- from the organization of its links to the patterns found in its use by millions of users.


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