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Congestion Control for System Area Networks

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Congestion is an important issue in the design of SANs (e.g., Infiniband), as in any computer network. Typical SAN switches use link-level flow control to avoid dropping packets. While this eliminates the well-known congestion collapse phenomenon, it can cause congestion spreading or tree saturation, where one bottleneck link causes traffic to block throughout the network. Congestion control has been widely studied in the literature. However, this problem needs to be reevaluated in the context of SAN environments due to their unique characteristics (e.g., small bandwidth-delay product, input port buffering, small switch buffers).

We have developed and evaluated a new congestion control scheme for SANs. Our approach couples a simple switch-based ECN packet marking mechanism appropriate for typical SAN switches with small input buffers, together with hybrid window and rate control at end-devices. Our approach and many of our ideas are being adopted in the congestion management protocol being developed for InfiniBand.

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