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Welcome to the home page of the Data Center Architecture team.

We are a multi-disciplinary team of researchers with expertise in computer systems, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering.

To explore our research and explore openings, send email to G. John Janakiraman (john.janakiraman "at" hp.com).


Enterprises host their compute infrastructure in data centers. We are investigating the architecture and operation of the compute and physical infrastructure in data centers to develop inventive solutions that improve the efficiency, manageability and flexibility of these data centers.


Our current research is directed at three areas:

System Architecture - Software and hardware architecture of servers, their I/O systems, and their interconnect; system software mechanisms and design methodologies for supporting high availability and performance in multi-tier systems based on commodity hardware and OS - e.g., virtual machine mechanisms, automated design for service availability. See here.

Smart Power Our research seeks to identify and evaluate new approaches to systems' and solutions' design to optimize power management. A few of our research results are summarized below. For more details, see our list of publications or contact partha.ranganathan AT hp.com. See here.

Smart Cooling - Thermo-mechanical data center architectures for energy-efficient operation, where we are pioneering sophisticated numerical, measurement and control techniques for dynamic provisioning of data center cooling resources. Current areas of focus are: control systems research into new thermal solutions for cooling data centers, software programming for the autonomous collection of data center environmental data (including from robotic vehicles), metrology strategy for collecting data within a data center, mechanical design of complex thermo-mechanical assemblies, and research of phase change solutions for the cooling of microprocessors. See here.

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