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table of contents - Volume 4 Number 1

An Overview of the PATHWORKS Product Family
by Alan Abrahams and David A. Low
PATHWORKS for VMS File Server
by Edward W. Bresnahan and Siu Yin Cheng
The Development of an Optimized PATHWORKS Transport Interface
by Philip J. Wells
Design of the PATHWORKS for ULTRIX File Server
by Anthony J. Rizzolo, Elizabeth A. Brewer, and Martha A. Chandler
DECnet Transport Architecture
by Mitchell P. Lichtenberg and Jeffrey R. Curless
Microsoft Windows Network Virtual Device Drivers in PATHWORKS for DOS
by Andrew W. Nourse
eXcursion for Windows: Integrating Two Windowing Systems
by Dennis G. Giokas and Andrew T. Leskowitz
Capacity Modeling of PATHWORKS Client-Server Workloads
by Christopher E. Methot

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