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SE3D animated film showcase


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The SE3D ("seed") showcase ran from October 2004 to September 2005.  A Watershed project sponsored by HP and Alias, it brought together over 30 media organisations, aspiring animators and industry veterans to create 11 films produced using cutting-edge technology.

During the course of the programme, 500,000 CPU hours were used to render 500,000 frames of animation.  Since SE3D finished, all the films have been doing the film festival circuit, picking up some awards along the way.

On this micro-site you can find an overview of the showcase, some background on the technology developed for SE3D, historical news, related whitepapers and press coverage.

You may also want to look at some of the press articles published about the project.

Find out more about researchURS providing on-demand resources to production companies - big and small

SE3D news

» SE3D films storm the festival circuit
» SE3D nominated for Computing Awards' Innovative Project of the Year 2006
» SE3D goes to Cannes '05
» SE3D films showcased at Animated Encounters
» More SE3D news

White papers

» Servicing the Animation Industry: HP's Utility Rendering Service Provides On-Demand Computing Resources
» Showcase for tomorrow's computing utility
» SE3D overview

More information

» Showcase seeds new animation talent
» Shrek 2: HP Labs goes Hollywood
» The Painter is a brush with the future
» Framing The Painter: Digital Animators Speed Production with HP Labs' Experimental Rendering Service
» Contact us

Related links

» Watershed
» Brief Encounters

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