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Web Services Management Network: An Overlay Network for Federated Service Management

Machiraju, Vijay; Sahai, Akhil; van Moorsel, Aad


Keyword(s): management; service management; SLA; web services; web service management network

Abstract: We introduce the architecture, object model, components, and protocols of a management overlay for federated service management, called Web Services Management Network (WSMN). WSMN targets management of web services that interact across administrative domains, and therefore typically involves multiple stakeholders (examples are business-to-business, service provider interconnections, help desks). The architecture is based on (implicit) SLAs to formalize relations across domains. It relies on a network of communicating service intermediaries, each such intermediary being a proxy positioned between the service and the outside world. WSMN also exchanges control information to agree on what to monitor, where to monitor, and whom to provide visibility.

17 Pages

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