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The Web's Hidden Order

© 2001, ACM Inc.
Reprinted from Communications of the ACM
Vol. 44, No. 9 (September 2001)

by Lada A. Adamic and Bernardo A. Huberman, Information Dynamics Lab, HP Labs

Web site growth and popularity actually follow rules that can be explained mathematically and are useful for predicting the Web's future behavior.
Read the full paper here. Requires Adobe Acrobat.

About the Authors:

Lada A. Adamic is a researcher in the Information Dynamics group at Hewlett-Packard Labs. She has a PhD in Applied Physics from Stanford University. During the past few years, she has studied Internet phenomena from a physicist's perspective. These phenomena range from the numerous power laws observed on the Web to its small world properties.

Bernardo A. Huberman is an HP Fellow and director of the Information Dynamics Lab at Hewlett-Packard Laboratories. He is one of the discoverers of chaos in a number of physical systems, and also established a number of universal properties in nonlinear dynamical systems. His research into the dynamics of complex structures led to his discovery of ultradiffusion in hierarchical systems.
In the field of information sciences, Huberman predicted the existence of phase transitions in artificial intelligence and large scale distributed systems, and developed an economics approach to the solution of hard computational problems. One of the creators of the field of ecology of computation, Huberman recently published the book "The Laws of the Web: Patterns in the Ecology of Information" with MIT Press.
Recently, his research has concentrated on the design of novel mechanisms for harvesting knowledge and preserving privacy in the World Wide Web, as well as the use of economics for forecasting future outcomes in organizational settings.

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