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ImageSmart Halftoning


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Different halftoning algorithms are best for different types of images and different types of printers. For example, error diffusion is good at producing image details. In flat regions, it often has visible artifacts such as worms that are difficult to get rid of. Color smooth dither, on the other hand, produces smooth textures in flat regions, but is usually less sharp for lack of feedback. ImageSmart is a technology for integrating different halftoning algorithms and managing their transitions in a single image.

This is especially important in rendering a scanned document, where there is a mixture of text, line art and area fill, and raster image. However, the driver does not have any information regarding the composition of the page. ImageSmart automaticaly selects a halftoning algorithm based on image content


Q. Lin and J. Allebach, "Color FM screen design using DBS algorithm",  Proceedings, SPIE Electronic Imaging Conference: Color Imaging: Device-Independent Color, Color Hardcopy and Graphic Arts III, vol. 3300, pp. 353-361, January 1998.
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