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table of contents - Volume 3 Number 1

DECdta -- Digital's Distributed Transaction Processing Architecture
by Philip A. Bernstein, William T. Emberton, Vijay Treba
Digital's Transaction Processing Monitors
by Thomas G. Speer and Mark W. Storm
Transaction Management Support in the VMS Operating System Kernal
by William A. Laing, James E. Johnson, and Robert V. Landau
Performance Evaluation of Transaction Processing Systems
by Walter H. Kohler, Yun-Ping Hsu, Thomas K. Rogers, Wael H. Bahaa-El-
Tools and Techniques for Preliminary Sizing of Transaction Processing Applications
by William Z. Zahavi, Frances A. Habib, and Kenneth J. Omahen
Database Availability for Transaction Processing
by Ananth Raghavan and T.K. Rengarajan
Designing an Optimized Transaction Committ Protocol
by Peter M. Spiro, Ashok M. Joshi, and T. K. Rengarajan
Verification of the First Fault-tolerant VAX System
by William F. Bruckert, Carlos Alonso and James M. Melvin

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