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December 1994, Article 10

Enterprise Modeling and Simulation: Complex Dynamic Behavior of a Simple Model of Manufacturing

Simulating a structurally simple model of a manufacturing enterprise revealed complex dynamic behavior. Enterprise modeling and simulation provided estimates of end-of-life inventory and order delivery performance based on interactions of forecast quality, quoted product availability, material procurement and safety stock policies, vendor lead times, product life cycle, and part commonality. An unexpected result was that end-of-life inventory can exist even under ideal environmental conditions. Prospective applications of these methods include estimating the effects of incremental improvements, verifying impacts of process changes, and generating enterprise behavior information.

by M. Shahid Mujtaba

Article 10 - dec94a10.pdf

Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations - dec94a10a.pdf

Enterprise Modeling and Simulation Applications in Reengineering - dec94a10b.pdf

Enterprise Modeling and Simulation Research at HP Laboratories - dec94a10c.pdf

The Simple Model: Sponsor's Perspective - dec94a10d.pdf

Appendix I: Mathematics of Production and Material Planning for the Simple Model - dec94a10_app.pdf

Appendix II: Weekly Event Sequence - dec94a10_app.pdf

Appendix III: Details of Part Commonality Experiments - dec94a10_app.pdf

Appendix IV: Details of Explanations for Experiments 0 and 1a - dec94a10_app.pdf

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