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Support for Arbitrary Regions in XSL-FO

Giannetti, Fabio; Benso da Silva, Ana Cristina; Souza de Oliveira, Joao Batista; Rech Meneguzzi, Felipe; Luceiro Meirelles, Leonardo; Tarla Martins Mano, Fernando; Bueno da Silva, Thiago


Keyword(s): XML; XSL-FO; latex; SVG; digital printing

Abstract: This paper proposes an extension of the XSL-FO standard which allows the specification of an unlimited number of arbitrarily shaped page regions. These extensions are built on top of XSL-FO 1.1 to enable flow content to be laid out into arbitrary shapes and allowing for page layouts currently available only to desktop publishing software. Such a proposal is expected to leverage XSL-FO towards usage as an enabling technology in the generation of content intended for personalized printing. Notes: Ana Cristina Benso da Silva, Joao Batista Souza de Oliveira, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul, CPSE/FACIN 6681, Ipiranga Avenue, Porto Alegre, Brasil. Felipe Rech Meneguzzi, R&D HP Brazil. Leonardo Luceiro Meirelles, Fernando Tarla Martins Mano and Thiago Bueno da Silva, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul, CPSE 6681, Ipiranga Avenue, Porto Alegre, Brasil

10 Pages

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