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NodeWiz: Peer-to-peer resource discovery for grids

Basu, Sujoy; Banerjee, Sujata; Sharma, Puneet; Lee, Sung-Ju


Keyword(s): No keywords available.

Abstract: Efficient resource discovery based on dynamic attributes such as CPU utilization and available bandwidth is a crucial problem in the deployment of computing grids. Existing solutions are either centralized or unable to answer advanced resource queries (e.g., range queries) efficiently. We present the design of NodeWiz, a Grid Information Service (GIS) that allows multi-attribute range queries to be performed efficiently in a distributed manner. This is obtained by aggregating the directory services of individual organizations in a peer-to-peer information service. Notes: Copyright IEEE 2005. Published in and presented at the Fifth International Workshop on Global and Peer-to-Peer Computing, 9-12 May 2005, Cardiff, UK

10 Pages

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