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Towards Automated Deployment of Built-to-Order Systems

Sahai, Akhil; Pu, Calton; Jung, Gueyoung; Wu, Qinyi; Yan, Wenchang; Swint, Galen


Keyword(s): automation; deployment; utility computing; SmartFrog; XML; XSLT

Abstract: End-to-end automated application design and deployment poses a significant technical challenge. With increasing scale and complexity of IT systems and the manual handling of existing scripts and configuration files for application deployment that makes them increasingly error-prone and brittle, this problem has become more acute. Even though design tools have been used to automated system design, it is usually difficult to translate these designs to deployed systems in an automated manner as multiple activities are involved in such a deployment. We describe a generic process of automated deployment and an evaluation of the tool. Published in Distributed Systems: Operations and Management (DSOM) 2005, 24-26 October 2005, Barcelona, Spain.

12 Pages

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