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A Framework for Dynamic Resource Management on the Grid

Pathak, Jyotishman; Treadwell, Jem; Kumar, Raj; Vitale, Philip; Fraticelli, Fernando


Keyword(s): Grid resource management; Dynamic adaptation; resource provisioning; SLA management

Abstract: A grid computing environment enables sharing of loosely coupled resources and services required by various applications in a large-scale. In such an environment, one of the key challenges is to develop a flexible, scalable, and self-adaptive resource management system which would allow users to carry out their jobs by transparently accessing autonomous, distributed, and heterogeneous resources. In this paper, we discuss the research issues and conceptual architectural design of such a dynamic resource management framework, which leverages the open-source Globus Toolkit and commercially available HP Open- View Configuration Management Solutions software (Radia). Our approach provides adaptive and scalable middleware for static and dynamic resource provisioning, resource monitoring, virtual organization-wide authorization, and business policy management. The framework is based on automated, policy-driven change and configuration management functionality that can dynamically adjust the size, configuration and allocation of various resources that will be consumed in the environment.

11 Pages

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