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Beyond photographs: A design exploration of multisensory memorabilia for visually impaired people

Fennell, Jacqueline; Frohlich, David


Keyword(s): memorabilia; souvenirs; photographs; visually impaired; memory

Abstract: As part of the future photography work in HP Labs we carried out an inclusive design exercise with the visually impaired. We wanted to know how such people remember and discuss the past without recourse to photographs, and to use this knowledge to generate design concepts for non-visual memory aids. The exercise resulted in two surprising insights. First, we found that a major user need for people losing their sight with age, is for technology which can help them recover visual memories from their existing photograph collections. Second, we discovered a world of multi-sensory memorabilia that are used by sighted and blind people alike, to trigger memories and talk about the past. These insights were then used to inspire ten design concepts presented in the report. Notes: Jacqueline Fennell, Royal College of Art, London, UK

33 Pages

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