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Towards Practical Design Rules for Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging Devices

Gunther, Neil J.; Beretta, Giordano B.


Keyword(s): bifurcation; interferometer; quantum path integral; quantum imaging

Abstract: Recent advances in quantum communications and imaging (QCI) technologies have led to a burgeoning market for commercial applications. These new market forces place an emphasis on engineering design rather than fundamental science. To guarantee correct device design, the quantum engineer needs to be removed from the minutia of the science. This can be accomplished through a set of abstract design rules analogous to those already employed in the VLSI chip industry. This paper is the first to propose such quantum design rules for the analysis of QCI devices, in general, and quantum imaging devices comprised of lens-based optics, in particular. We anticipate that these quantum design rules will also lead to significant cost reductions in the commercial production of quantum devices. Notes: Copyright 2005 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. To be published in and presented at the Proceedings 5893 of Optics & Photonics: Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging III, July 31- August 4, 2005, San Diego, CA

23 Pages

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