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The constructive reals as a Java Library

Boehm, Hans-J.


Keyword(s): constructive reals; exact arithmetic; inverse function; calculator

Abstract: We describe an implementation of the computable (or constructive) real numbers as a pure Java library. To the user, the library interface appears very similar to that of some other numeric types provided by the standard Java library. The primary goal of the implementation is simplicity, so that the implementation could be easily understood, and to allow simple informal correctness arguments. We hope to demonstrate that even such a basic implementation of constructive real arithmetic can be useful in a number of contexts, including in a desk calculator utility distributed with the package. A secondary goal was to demonstrate that some second-order functions on the reals, such as restricted inverse and derivative operations, can be implemented with sufficient performance to be useful. Notes: Copyright Elsevier. To be published in the Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming: Special issue on Practical Development of Exact Real Number Computation

12 Pages

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