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MediaBeads: An Architecture for Path-Enhanced Media Applications

Harville, Michael; Samadani, Ramin; Tretter, Dan; Mukherjee, Debargha; Gargi, Ullas; Chang, Nelson


Keyword(s): path; location; media management; media search; media presentation; path-enhanced media; GPS

Abstract: Tagging digital media, such as photos and videos, with capture time and location information has previously been proposed to enhance its organization and presentation. We believe that the full path traveled during media capture, rather than just the media capture locations, provides a much richer context for understanding and "re-living" a trip experience, and offers many possibilities for novel applications. We introduce the concept of path-enhanced media, in which media is associated and stored together with a densely sampled path in time and space, and we present the MediaBeads architecture for capturing, representing, browsing, editing, presenting, and searching this data. The architecture includes, among other things, novel data representations, new algorithms for automatically building movie-like presentations of trips, and novel search applications. Notes: Copyright IEEE To be published in and presented at the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 27-30 June 2004, Taipei, Taiwan

4 Pages

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