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Image-Based Lighting for Games

Gelb, Dan, Malzbender, Tom


Keyword(s): computer graphics; texture mapping; image-based rendering

Abstract: Image-based rendering techniques are used extensively in interactive electronic games. Most frequently image-based rendering appears in the form of texture mapping when a photograph or image is used to represent a complex object's appearance. Texture mapping has several significant limitations, the primary one being that only a single lighting condition is captured. If dynamic lighting is needed, texture mapping alone is insufficient. This report describes some existing techniques to solve this problem as well as a technique for image-based lighting developed at HP Labs. Our method, Polynomial Texture Mapping (PTM) uses biquadtatic polynomials at every texel to reconstruct surface appearances under varying lighting conditions. Unlike previous methods, PTMs can capture complex illumination effects such as self shadowing and interreflections. Our method can be efficiently implemented on programmable graphics hardware which is common to most current and future electronic gaming platforms.

8 Pages

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