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Sustaining the Integration of Long-Lived Systems with .NET

Shenoy, Rajesh; Moore, Keith


Keyword(s): .NET; C#; ORB; IDL; Compact Framework; Web Services

Abstract: The continued evolution of web services infrastructures like .NET complicates their integration with long-lived devices (such as printers, cameras, scanners, etc.). The issue is that the lifetime of these devices far exceed the effective lifetime of the clients and the protocols in vogue when the devices were deployed. While upgrading device firmware to track the standards might be theoretically possible, in practice it is not. This paper presents a novel approach for sustaining the integration of long- lived systems with .NET applications using a C# application-level bridge. This approach exploits the inherent stability of the programming language APIs on the .NET platform, and uses code auto-generators to minimize the effort to deploy stable protocols on evolving platforms. We demonstrate the technology by connecting .NET applications resident on handheld and desktop computers to applications resident on a remote printer.

19 Pages

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