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SmartLOCUS: An autonomous, self-assembling sensor network for indoor asset and systems management

Brignone, Cyril; Connors, Tim; Lyon, Geoff; Pradhan, Salil


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Abstract: Indoor localization technology is a prerequisite to location aware services within building infrastructures. For large buildings, or frequently remodeled indoor spaces, a scalable, easily deployed localization system is required to avoid recurring costs of installation. Current localization systems require extensive manual intervention during installation. Additionally, localization computations are centralized, rendering them inflexible and not easily scalable. In this report, we describe a localization system formed by a wireless location aware network that is self-assembling. The nodes compute their locations autonomously in the face of topology changes and the localization algorithm is distributed enabling new nodes to localize themselves. These features make the system easy to deploy and scalable. We also suggest how this system can be used in commercial applications such as asset tracking. Notes:

14 Pages

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